Hiking the Continental Divide Trail with Keith (Trail Name TBD)

The Continental Divide Trial is a roughly 3,000 mile trail that runs along the backbone of the United States through some of the most remote and beautiful wilderness in the country.

Keith started dreaming of hiking it while he was still in college - planning to hike it after he graduated in 2020. However, a global pandemic threw a wrench in those plans. Now, in 2022, he is attempting to hike the trail, heading Northbound from the Mexican Border on April 10th, and hoping to finish in September.

You can keep track of his journey on this page, so stay tuned for updates on his status as he chronicles his journey on foot across the nation.

You can find out more about the trail from the Continental Divide Trail Coalition’s Website at: continentaldividetrail.org

  • Well, this hike has been a long time coming! I have my bag packed & ready to go, weighing roughly thirty pounds fully loaded. I’ll be taking a ukelele and am hoping to make some friends along the way!